Halloween night I sat out on a friend’s patio with wine, cheese and pate, and we handed out candy. There were a bunch of us, and we oohed over the costumes and the itty bitty kids, watched one of the guys do a master pumpkin carve, and I think from now on, that is how I want to do Halloween–glass of wine in hand, handing out candy.

I loved Halloween as a kid. Such a spooky, scary night, running all over the neighborhood without parents, dressed in all kinds of homemade creative costumes, and candy. It was cool, dark, windy (usually), leaves scattering across the street, voices wafting through the dark, and flashlights darting to and fro.

There was a little bit of danger, of transgression — out after dark! Without parents (well, they trailed behind)! Candy! Staying up late! And even some mischief — what with egging houses (actually a bad one) and smashing pumpkins.

And now? Grownups dress up. Kids wear store-bought costumes and go trick or treating in the mall.

Grownups got Halloween. Kids got rocks. (name that reference).

It was a busy weekend. Coffee on Saturday morning with writer friends so we could commiserate about not being at WFC like all the other “real” writers. (Maybe that last part was just me.) Then the Pflugerville Science Fiction and Fantasy Meetup, which was a good time. One thing that doesn’t change — the kids who like science fiction and fantasy are some of the smartest kids around.

Then a party! With karaoke! And Rock Band! And general silliness.

And for Halloween at work I went as Inigo Montoya, because our theme was heroes and villains. So I had a little bit of the Halloween spirit, okay?

There’s more news to come about The Unexpected Miss Bennet — I will keep you posted.


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