The house has been de-Christmased at last, although it’s still a cluttered disaster. I have been reading everyone’s Facebook comments and had to laugh — we are all feeling a deep need to declutter and re-organize. Picking January 1 as the start of the new year may be artificial, but it still triggers a primordial desire to start anew, even if we are in the dead of winter.
Well, except Austin’s winter is a bit different from more northerly climes. It’s 70 and sunny and gorgeous.
In addition to the usual decluttering that I long to do this time of year, I have Plans. The bathroom needs work, and the house needs a new coat of paint both inside and out. I have designs on my son’s bedroom. Yes, he’s only been gone a semester and will be back this summer, but that room needs a thorough redesign. Pull up the carpet, slap on a new coat of paint, redo the floors in a nice laminate like the one for the office, and replace the bed with a daybed and put in the bookcase — I can see it already.
Oh, and the sequel to Bandit Girls is firming up nicely. *rubs hands gleefully.
I know that I write better when I don’t have a lot of chaos all around me so the decluttering is a vital part of the process. I do think there’s something fitting in that I’m starting the second book in this series in January. I started a new day job just this week too, so it’s already been an auspicious beginning. Heck, I might as well do another blog redesign. New series, new look.
So what are your plans for 2014?