I went to bed in the Shire, woke up in Mordor,
Exchanged comfort for horror
And complacency for fear.
But the world that I woke in
Is the same some folks walk in,
And it’s not their fault
This map isn’t mine.
I’ve just been lucky,
Protected by borders,
And locks on the doors.
Didn’t know that orcs had their orders,
Didn’t know the choice wasn’t mine.
Went to bed in the Shire, woke up in Mordor,
Not sure how I got here,
It’s kind of familiar, kind of a nightmare.
Don’t climb the towers
Keep low to the shadows
Don’t raise your head up
Watch out for spiders.
Maybe the Shire was always in Mordor,
Maybe Mordor was always in us.
Hold up the palantir and look at your peril,
Don’t look away til you’ve seen what you must.
Went to bed in the Shire, woke up in Mordor,
Exchanged comfort for horror
And complacency for fear.
Not sure what I’ve got here, neighbors or strangers,
Not sure of the danger, not sure of the fear.
Always thought orcs deserved what they got there,
Beginning to wonder if that’s out of order.
Don’t climb the towers
Keep low to the shadows
Don’t raise your head up
Watch out for spiders.
Fell asleep in the Shire, woke up in Mordor,
Maybe the Shire was always in Mordor,
Maybe Mordor was always in us.