I went to summer camp last weekend. Sort of. Star Fire Adventure Camp for grownups is a new venture that my friend Wendy and several of her friends have just started. They had a run-through of their Paleolithic Camp and I was invited to play. I think they are onto something. With the interest in adventure games like Tough Mudder and adventure races, as well as the reality shows like Man vs. Wild, there’s clearly an interest in this kind of thing.
Guys, this is awesome. Despite the rain, which only added to the authenticity in my mind, we learned about the early paleolithic people of Central Texas and how they lived, what they ate, and what sort of predators and prey they would have encountered. The camp includes flint knapping and learning how to throw an atlatl — a foraging hike, and more.
If you are in Central Texas, you definitely should give this a try. There’s a camp scheduled for April 12-13 and if you are into adventure and new (well, old) things, sign up!