Many apologies for the Great Outage of 2009. I lost some content, and will try to restore that over the next couple of days. But here are some general housekeeping notes.

The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance hit my mailbox today, and it looks good. I read the first story, “The Key to Happiness” by Gwyn Cready, and it’s smart and funny and sweet. I’ll give you my impressions as I go. I’ve also started The Singers of Nevya by Louise Marley, while waiting for my daughter to have her wisdom teeth out, and I’m enjoying it. In her non-writing life Louise sings, and in this book, an omnibus of three of her novels, she makes use of her knowledge for a fine fantasy.

In other reading news, I’ve read the stories in the most recent Realms of Fantasy. Some fine stuff — again, when I catch up I’ll share my thoughts.

Now for news of my own work: As an apology for the website outage, I turned to my Amazon Author page and posted the first chapter of my newest complete project, The Unexpected Miss Bennet, there. If you haven’t had a chance to visit, please do. If the blog is down here, I will try to keep you updated there.

The third book in the Gordath Wood series is well underway, about 27,000 words complete. I want to get a bit further along, but I will also post the first chapter here in January, once I polish the heck out of it and make it all purty and shiny. (While working from home today to tend the aforementioned daughter who had her wisdom teeth out, we watched Firefly. Hence the dialect.)

So that’s what’s been going on. Let’s hope that the Tech Gods remain happy at least through Christmas. I don’t think I could take another outage like that one. Apologies again, and enjoy the new content!


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