SCARE for a CURE and BookPeople have teamed up for a fundraiser on August 29. Simply download the flyer here and go buy books Saturday, August 29, and BookPeople will donate 5 percent of proceeds to SCARE for a CURE for cancer charities.

As part of the fun, I will be joining a group of authors reading and signing from our work at 3 pm Saturday August 29 at BookPeople. Readers are Gabrielle Faust, author of Eternal Vigilance, and Les McGehee, author of Plays Well with Others. Bring the flyer with you as BookPeople will not have flyers available that day.

I hope to see you there! Please do pass along this info and help make this a successful fundraiser.

And seriously, what could be easier? Buy books, raise money for a good cause, team up with the good guys at BookPeople and SCARE for a CURE.

Once again, download that flyer and let all your friends know to shop for a good cause.

See you on August 29!


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