Almost out of the woods!

Almost out of the woods!

I took the week off from work to write and I have to say, it was hugely (okay, not hugely, say moderately successful.

As most writers know, the day job is essential for incidentials such as keeping a roof over one’s head, food on the table, things like that. However, I personally find that the less time I have to write, generally the more efficient I am about it. If I only have an hour each night, then I do tend to make the most of it.

But sometimes, ah, sometimes, an open week of writing can be utter bliss. And that’s how it was. Each day I wrote for about 3 hours, nearly twice as long as I usually am able to. What, you say? Not five or six, or even eight hours? No. I have found that writing that long wearies me out and then it’s hard to pick up the next day. And don’t be fooled by the eight-hour workday of most day jobs. There are few writers who can create for that long without being thoroughly whipped by the end of it. Most authors will only pull that kind of wordage when the deadline demon is after them.

The new project is complete, but I am going through editing according to my critiquers’ commentary.  It has come together so well, I think I will be sending it to my agent nearly a month ahead of schedule.

Woo-hoo! Very happy.


dave · October 31, 2009 at 1:23 pm

wish I were that productive…

Patrice Sarath · October 31, 2009 at 3:56 pm

I wish I could maintain the consistency.

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